Dublin: 3 °C Wednesday 26 February, 2025

Watch this guy try to play it cool after being caught on camera enjoying Dutch pop music

This guy.


Snollebollekes are a Dutch pop outfit with a song called Bam Bam (Bam). It’s as inane and stupid as the name suggests.

This guy was in the audience of a television show while Snollebollekes performed the song. As you can see from the video below, he’s clapping along with the best of them until he realises he’s on camera at which point he attempts to play it cool and sip a beer.

Source: BpHQuex/YouTube

Let’s relive that glorious moment again.

manfan Source: Imgur

Totally got away with it, man. Nobody saw. Nope, nobody.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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